Commanding The Month of June Prayer Points

1. Father, forgive my sins and give me the grace to live a life that attracts your favor.
2. By the blood of Jesus, I receive cleansing from every deposit of rejection through sin.
3. In the name of Jesus, I break the power of evil magnetism and negative aura.
4. I release myself from every association that is ministering disfavor into my life.
5. I reject and repent from any lifestyle that makes me stink in the nostrils of God.
6. Lord, baptize me with the spirit of grace and supplication and favor.
7. I reject the spirit of rejection, disfavor, and hatred in Jesus name.
8. You seed of generational rejection and disfavor, die in my life in Jesus name.
9. Lord, perfume my life with your oil of favor.
10. Thou favor of God upon my life, begin to displace people for my sake.
11. Favor of God, create strategic vacancies for me.
12. You foundational spirit of hatred and rejection in my life, die right now in Jesus name.
13. Every seed of witchcraft in my life; die by fire.
14. I command every representation and mark of rejection in my life to burn and perish.
15. Every seed of rejection, hatred, and failure in my life, I command you to be consumed. by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.
16. Every curse, spell, jinx, and enchantment of disfavor in my life, whether acquired, inherited, ancestral or environmental, be destroy from my foundation in Jesus mighty name.
17. Every spirit servicing and enforcing disfavor, rejection, and hatred in my life: be bound and liquidated by God’s fire in Jesus name.
18. Let the fire and thunder of God visit my foundations on both maternal and paternal sides.
19. All you invisible marks and labels of rejection and disfavor on any part of my body, be blotted out by the blood of Jesus.
20. Father, from henceforth, turn my disgrace into grace, my shame to fame, my labor to favor, my story to glory, my pressure to pleasure and my pain to gain in Jesus name.
21. Every area of my life that I have lost to failure, I command to be restored in Jesus name.
22. You spirits of rejection and hatred, loose your grip over my life in the name of Jesus.
23. It is written of me that because I meditate in God's Word and seek to do His will, anything I lay my hands upon shall succeed. Therefore, I reject the spirit of failure in any area of my life. I am a success in life, ¬in my profession, in my career, in my business, and in my marriage. Others might have failed, but I believe in a God that cannot fail. I am His child. I am working in partnership with Him. Because He is on my side, I will not be a failure any more in Jesus name.
24. I command all my buried goodness, progress, and prosperity to begin to resurrect in the mighty name of Jesus.
25. Father, I am a child of love, grace, and favor; therefore, I refuse any form of rejection in Jesus name.
26. I break any spell, curse, jinx, and enchantment of failure and rejection in my life right now in Jesus name.
27. Father, perfume my life with the aroma of Christ, so that from now on good and helpful people will be attracted to me in Jesus name.
28. Holy Spirit, I enter into Your divine favor today. Let the oil of Your favor begin to flow upon me. Everywhere I turn, let the doors be opened to me. Whatever I lay my hands upon, let them succeed¬ in the name of the Lord Jesus.
29. Father from now on, make it impossible for anybody to say no to my sincere requests in Jesus name.
30. Father, give everyone on any panel or committee that will decide my case or cause a special favor and liking for me in Jesus name.
31. Lord, please, always plant your Gamaliel (Acts 5:33¬-40) in any committee or panel that will determine my fate.
32. I come against you spirit of rejection. Get out of my life in the name of Jesus. I am accepted in the beloved. I am accepted in Christ. God loves me. He thinks about me. He has a plan for my life; and that plan He will be fulfilled in Jesus name.
33. I reject and dismiss the spirits of shame and mockery.
34. Father, put your favor and flavor in my voice, looks, appearance, and the works of my hands.
35. Father, relocate me from the place of disfavor to my place of favor and destiny.
36. I shall not be an abandoned project in Jesus name.
37. My destiny shall not be diverted in Jesus name.
38. In Jesus name, you spirit of disfavor and rejection, I break your power over my life.
39. Lord, create a strategic opportunity for my uplifting in life.
40. I shall never miss my timing, season, and chances in Jesus name.
41. Lord, raise for me, godly destiny supervisors.
42. Helpers of my destiny arise.
43. I break by fire every curse, spell, and covenant of disfavor in Jesus name.
44. Like Daniel and Esther of old, Father, clothe me with the spirit of preference in Jesus mighty name.
45. Everywhere I go, the favor of God will make me an irresistible attraction and acceptance.
46. Uncommon favor of God shall attend unto all my requests, applications, and prayers and appearances in Jesus name.
47. Where others have been rejected, I shall be accepted, where they’ve been abused and condemned, I shall be praised and commended, where they’ve failed, I shall succeed, and where they’ve been tolerated, I shall be celebrated because of God’s aroma of favor on me.
48. My destiny shall not be wasted in Jesus name.
49. Wind of destiny; blow me to the correct location for my allocation in life.
50. Thou divine wind that blew Joseph, Esther, and Daniel to their correct destinies, blow over me in Jesus name.
51. O thou God of grace and mercy, intervene in my destiny in Jesus name.
52. Dear Holy Spirit, please always give me a spiritual network in prayers.
53. My prayer requests will not go into the heavenly voice mail in Jesus name.
54. Thank you father for your quick answers to my prayers; I receive by faith in Jesus’ name.